The project protects the last peat swamp rainforests (ca. 150,000 hectares) on the West Coast of Aceh. The most important measure is the exemption
of the area from palm oil concessions. The concessions should not simply be cancelled, but should be relocated to already cleared wasteland and re-established in accordance with the
guidelines of the Round Table on sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). This relocation will be worked out with the local government and population. This means that urgently needed jobs, taxes and foreign
exchange are retained in the country. In addition, socially and ecologically compatible palm oil production is promoted.
The peat swamp rainforest on the west coast of Aceh are among the most valuable habitats on earth.
With the protection of these forests, important orang-utan populations as well as numerous animal and plant species are preserved. The fresh water supply is secured and with it the livelihood of
the population. The foundation supports the regeneration measures of the nature (closing the drainage and removing oil palms) as well as the establishment of tree nurseries and active
reforestation of severely degraded swamp forest areas. We will also finance the rough investigation and data collection.