
Submission of protection projects to Art for Tropical Forests

In order to facilitate the work of the Board of Trustees, financial applications may only be submitted in accordance with the following grid:

  1. Summary of the project (scope: 1 page)
    Goal, approach, timetable, partnerships, local involvement, costs.
  2. Problem and natural value analysis (scope: 2-3 pages)
    Reasons why this project deserves support.
  3. Project goals (scope: 1 page)
  4. Work approach / procedure (scope: 5 pages)
    What are the dangers of the project: risk analysis, how is sustainability achieved?
  5. Schedule (Scope: 1 page)
  6. Embedding, using and ensuring sustainability (scope: 2-3 pages)
    Embedding of the project on site (relationship with authorities, the local population, non-governmental organizations (NGOs))
    Benefit of the project / meaning
    Responsibility of the projects on site (who is in Switzerland, who is involved in the project on site (organizational chart of the project))
  7. Budget and finances (scope: 2 pages)

The Board of Trustees places particular importance to point 4.