In order to facilitate the work of the Board of Trustees, financial applications may only be submitted in accordance with the following grid:
- Summary of the project (scope: 1 page)
Goal, approach, timetable, partnerships, local involvement, costs.
- Problem and natural value analysis (scope: 2-3 pages)
Reasons why this project deserves support.
- Project goals (scope: 1 page)
- Work approach / procedure (scope: 5 pages)
What are the dangers of the project: risk analysis, how is sustainability achieved?
- Schedule (Scope: 1 page)
- Embedding, using and ensuring sustainability (scope: 2-3 pages)
Embedding of the project on site (relationship with authorities, the local population, non-governmental organizations (NGOs))
Benefit of the project / meaning
Responsibility of the projects on site (who is in Switzerland, who is involved in the project on site (organizational chart of the project))
- Budget and finances (scope: 2 pages)
The Board of Trustees places particular importance to point 4.