The project includes the introduction of beekeeping in Quebrangulo, near Pedra Dahlhadra forest. In this area shifting cultivation is practiced and the burning of fallow land often causes
(unwanted) forest fires. With the introduction an additional or even new livelihood is to be created for the farmers, so that fire threats are no longer necessary and the pressure on the forest
is reduced.
In addition the farmers get an interest in the preservation of the forest. The project will train 30 families (approx. 300 people) in a five day course. A refresher course is planned after six
months. A total of 400 beehives are to be set up. The yield of 17,000kg of honey per year is processed and marketed. The purchase of the honey is secured. The project is professionally supervised
by Mrs. Anita Studer from the organization Nordesta Reforestation and Education, Geneva.
In addition to honey the income situation of the population is improved by the additional manufacture of handicrafts (candles, soaps, etc.)
The Art For Tropical Forests Foundation selected this project as a new project in 2004 because ist is not only original in its approach, but also sustainable.